The most common type of pathology is spine – lumbar osteochondrosis. The large percentage of people who suffer from degenerative disc disease falls on the age after a period of 30 years. The disease caused by the degeneration of the cartilaginous tissue of the spine and the intervertebral discs. The disease is characterized by severe attacks of pain in the department of the waist.

The causes of degenerative disc disease lumbar
Reasons why this disease develops with greater frequency, are the following:
- low-intensity physical activity;
- the disease of the thyroid, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract;
- high physical load, lifting weights;
- the disease of the vertebrates of the joints, in particular rheumatoid arthritis
- spinal underdevelopment;
- flat feet ;
- vertebrates of the injury, especially are in the back and the cross of the division;
- it is not the change of the substances;
- the degeneration of the spine associated with age-related changes.
In the risk group of the disease lumbar osteochondrosis includes people who:
- have a curvature of the spine;
- obesity, disorders of the metabolism;
- for a long time found here in a bent position;
- have a hereditary predisposition;
- found here in a high stress environment;
- have disorders of sleep, a little rest;
- put the body of the hypothermia;
- they are the representatives of professions such as porters, builders, drivers, and also have the specialty related to the constant presence of the team.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease lumbar
In addition to the pain that they feel suffer from the osteochondrosis back, especially in the time of heavy load, is to be distinguished from the other symptoms of this disease, which is manifested in the following:
- a dull pain passes from the detection of the inflammation in the leg;
- the strengthening of the syndrome of pain when lifting the heavy, the change of the body position, coughing, sneezing;
- when the debt is in the same position, the blood accumulates in the home, and the slightest attempt to change position, it produces a sharp pain;
- the constant tension of the back muscles;
- a throw back for the slightest hypothermia;
- the numbness of the hip, the muscles of the buttocks, the calves and feet;
- a tingling sensation in the legs;
- the arterial spasm, to the point of the lack of heart rate;
- pathology is the sweat glands;
- the dryness of the skin in the area of focus of the pain and the violation of the sensitivity.

The main symptoms and signs of degenerative disc disease lumbar spine in women
The osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is a disorder characterized by dystrophy of the discs. With the passage of time, as well as the excessive loads that gradually erased, they become flat. This can limit the mobility, and the emergence of unpleasant sensations due to the samishisa of the vertebrae, which put pressure on the nerve roots and vessels. Recognize the symptoms of degenerative disc disease lumbar spine in women and signs can with the help of the French, English requests.
The Lumbar osteochondrosis, causes, treatment, diagnosis
The Lumbar is the part of the vertebral column, which represents the maximum load at the time of jumping, running, walking, sitting, occupation of power sports and in other situations. The Lumbar consists of five vertebrae, is situated between the sacrum and the breast, the division of the vertebral column. In a back injury, in the case of large loads on the spine are generated by the deformation of the intervertebral discs, the destruction of the fibrous rings, compatible with intervertebral disc, biochemical demand of change in the cartilage tissue, the violation of the circulation of the blood. When it breaks the fibrous ring occurs bulging intervertebral disc, the development of intervertebral hernia.

The osteochondrosis back is a severe condition, accompanied by pain, which extends into the leg, the pain in the lower back, the development of complications. In the neurological examination of the office Usupovskiy hospital, the patient may receive the consultation of an experienced physician-neurologist, to undergo a diagnosis, ascertaining the cause of the development of the disease, receive an effective treatment for and undergo rehabilitation. In the department of neurology is concerned with the treatment of autoimmune disorders, cerebral circulatory disorders, chronic pain, the effects of brain injury, age-related diseases.
The osteochondrosis lumbar symptoms
The main symptom of osteochondrosis is referred pain. The patient will fatigue quickly, often has a headache, is concerned about the lack of sleep, increased irritability. During the development of the disease symptoms appear negative on the part of the nervous system, increases the sensitivity of the feet, the skin on the extremities becomes dry, often, spasm of muscle, the syndrome painful attack breaks the sweating.
The osteochondrosis lumbar of the division is characterized by the deformation of the intervertebral discs, the change of its form, dystrophy, displacement, the coracoid the proliferation of the vertebrae. During the development of the degenerative disease of the lumbar disc of the division causes a loss of flexibility of the spine, annoying) niinivaarantie the nerve endings, sacral nerve endings that form the sciatic nerve. Develops as a complication of sciatica. The cause of the development of the sciatica becomes: the grip of the nerve root in the lumbar region of the spinal column, the deformation of the intervertebral disc, in its displacement, the coracoid the proliferation of the vertebrae, intervertebral hernia. The sciatica is accompanied with severe pain, diminishes the quality of life of the patient.

During the development of the degenerative disease of the lumbar disc, appear the following syndromes:
- pain syndrome.
- radicular syndrome.
- syndrome ischemic.
- as the syndrome of
The opinion of an expert
By the amount of sign up to a provider-specific diseases of the vertebral column occupy the first places. According to statistical data, in 60-80% of cases of exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease leads to the development of the temporary disability. In the structure of disability in the proportion and on the other hand, calcifications of diseases represent 20% of the cases. The Lumbar osteochondrosis most common localization of the pathological process. Doctors confirm that the participation of this disease represents 60-70% of the cases.
The diagnosis of the pathology is in the hospital is performed by the x-ray examination, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. The osteochondrosis is dangerous complications. In severe cases, loses the ability of self-care. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor for the completion of the survey and the correct target of treatment. Depending on the degree and on the other hand, the degenerative process in the lumbar vertebrae, the physicians at the hospital are developing the therapeutic plan. It includes the tool etiotropnoy the pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy. In addition, the treatment plan includes recommendations for the prevention of relapse of the disease.
The osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: the treatment of the
The treatment of degenerative disc disease lumbar of the division depends on the neglect of the disease. The osteochondrosis distinguish various degrees of development of the pathology is:

- slight degree of development of the disease – fibrous ring around the intervertebral disc has cracks, which are filled with content gel-like core. Discs at this stage of development of the disease to deform a little annoying pain, which may be accepted by the pain in the heart. Pain occurs in the lower back to the weight lifting and the sudden movement. The pain may be steady or sudden, of a sudden.
- the process of deformation of the intervertebral discs continues. Occurs the crushing of the nerve endings, reduces the space between the vertebrae, expressed the discomfort in the lumbar area, often occurring attacks of pain of unpleasant sensations in the lumbar area and the sacrum.
- the third degree of evolution of the degenerative disease of the lumbar disc is characterized by the discontinuity of the fibrous rings around the intervertebral disc, it causes the extrusion of nucleus gelatinous, the squeezing of the nerve roots and the blood vessels will develop intervertebral hernia. The patient is in a phase of development of the disease suffers a violation of work of the internal organs, it becomes slouching.
- the fourth level of a serious disease of the disease. Occurs the deformation of the spine, which leads to disability.
Severe disease often requires surgical treatment due to the end of the deformation of the spinal column. The spine deformed bone growth in the patient broken motor activity. Women and men of the progression of the disease gives rise to disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system: the male is broken, the power, of the woman during pregnancy occurs by the deformation of the intervertebral discs, suffering internal sexual organs.
Vascular-compression ischemia
The violation of the vascularization of the spinal cord and more peripherals of the structures leads to the "refining" of the structure of the intervertebral disks and a result of abnormal mobility of the spine, the education of osteophytes and neoarthrosis.
Compression myelopathy

The narrowing of the spinal canal, causing periodic, paroxysmal weakness in the limbs, pain of the cross," the syndrome of the back with the impact in the rear of the thighs. At the bottom of this develops malnutrition/hypotonia of the calf of the leg/muscles of the buttocks, the disappearance of the plantar, anal and Achilles reflexes, the peresias of the feet.
The treatment of degenerative disc disease lumbar
Curing the disease is possible and necessary. Naturally, in this case, it works only therapy, that consists in the reduction of symptoms of autoimmune disease, the recovery of the structure of the spine and the prevention of the recurrence of the problem.
The above Therapy of the disease includes:
- The reception of the drug.
- Blocking of the injection.
- Gymnastics and physiotherapy.
- The massage and the quiroprctica.
- Physiotherapy.
Medications if a lumbar osteochondrosis

- The drugs for the pain.
- Repair chondroprotectors.
- Vitamins. Optimum — group B.
- The injection. The anesthetic, the recovery of the tissue of the cartilages and converters of the microcirculation of the blood.
- Of local funds.
The gym to the osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
An important element of the recovery of the spine. All procedures are developed individually, focusing on the removal of pain syndrome, and spasms of the muscles, the normalization circuit of the blood, the recovery of the intervertebral discs.
Massage the osteochondrosis lumbar
Massage — mandatory of the therapy of the disease. Help, like to relax and train the muscles of the lower back, induces the process of recovery of cartilage tissue, relieves the pain. More often the anterior portion of the disease, the therapy is used, the map hardware, tasting vacuum and connective-tissue massage.
As a general rule, physical therapy is assigned to the sick of the osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine only in the remission phase of the disease, after difficult to overcome the period of exacerbation of the problems. Modern and classic of the methodology:

- Acupuncture. Special effects of needles on acupuncture points in the back.
- The stretch. The classical methodology of traction of the spine in a restaurant-traction stretcher, produced qualified medical handbook.
- Electrophoresis. Known still with the decade of the 60, built-in non-operative technique of outdoor exposure problem of the affected area.
- Traction decompression. Automated hardware stretching of the spine in a medical facility.
- Shock-wave therapy. The use of infrasound for the treatment of osteochondrosis.
- Osteopathy. Methodology wide which combines elements of chiropractic, the massage and treatment of orthopedics.
- Magnetopuncture. The direct influence of the variable magnetic field in the spine.
- Laser puncture. The treatment of acupuncture points induced by the beam of radiation.
- The electrostimulation. The use of small variables of the streams in infested areas.
The prevention of the degenerative disc disease lumbar
After passing the comprehensive treatment and physical therapy, a long period of time is necessary for the maintenance therapy: in this period the spine is still weak and requires support. Also, prevention is designed for the prevention of the emergence of the degenerative disc disease, lumbar division. Main activities:
- Regular balanced exercise, preferably under the supervision of qualified staff orthopedic.
- The normalization of the mass of the body: very often increase the factor of influence on the formation of osteochondrosis is precisely the excess weight of a person.
- The correction of the diet. The regular diet should include foods rich in elements such as calcium and magnesium. You have to exclude too fat harmful and kitchen, as well as any other food, it does not fall under the definition of healthy foods.
- The rejection of bad habits. Alcohol and smoking increase all of the destruction processes in the body, this refers to the emergence of degenerative disc disease.
- The correct posture. Make sure your posture, especially if your work is related to the constant of find the computer or the other one sitting in the activity. Note also that of his son, how, and how much time he sits down. Normal the correct posture will allow you to grow to prevent the onset of scoliosis, and therefore in the future of the osteochondrosis.
- The use of proper footwear, clothing and accessories, the refusal to regulate the carrying of weights. Incorrect shoes, the bitch in the shoulder, the work of a longshoreman — all these factors sometimes exert a decisive influence on the development of destructive processes in the spine.